is there such thing as an unselfish act? ask yourself, if a person donates 10,000 dollars to a school anonymously with no connection to the school and no criminal intentions, could this be considered a selfless act? is a selfless act considered something where you, yourself gain nothing from the act itself but others do? yet how can something be considered selfless if everyone gets something out of it? if i were to donate $1 million to a hospital without getting any kind of recondition and having no intent on getting anything from the process, it cant really be considered selfless because i am gaining something anyhow. no matter what kind of act you do, you will gain an emotional reward or punishment. i would have been rewarded with either pride, or happiness, or self satisfaction etc. could only a truly uncaring and emotionless person succeed in preforming a selfless act? what is your definition of a selfless act?
love and chocolate, Bonbon