Mouth Breathers. Oh, how I can't standeth thee. Why can you not just breath through your nose? The rest of us do it. Okay, I understand if you're three years old and have a nasty head cold. But as an adult (or anyone over the age of five) people should be able to just take some cold medicine and get over it. And if you breath with your mouth regularly and you don't have a cold, my words are lost on you.
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart
You know what’s nice? Sitting in front of a computer with nothing to do, listening to the Wicked soundtrack.
You know what’s nice? Popping in a fresh piece of fruit gum, letting the sweet flavor explode in your mouth for those first few moments.
You know what’s nice? Wearing denim shorts, sitting in the back of a pickup truck, rolling through the fields of Virginia.
You know what’s nice? Devouring a giant sticky lollipop, strolling the splintered Ocean City boardwalk.
You know what’s nice? Coming home after a long vacation and laying back onto the bed you haven’t touched in a week or so.
You know what’s nice? Painting your toes bright pink the day you can see spring just over the peak of seasons.
You know what’s nice? Sitting on a heated tennis court in the middle of summer, right after jumping out of a pool, your hair leaking chlorine all over the hot green asphalt.
You know what’s nice? Jotting down the things you love for others to read and relate to.
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart
the Chinchilla Louise

This is not my chinchilla Louise but it's funny this one looks just like her except for her little white spot. Louise is the best Chinchilla in the universe to me and she is sooooooo soft I love her! I hope she lives with me forever becasue they live to be very old!
XOXO Bonbon
Just Plain Crap
you ever get the Idea that all the stuff you read as kid and thought was the most amazing stuff ever turned out to be pretty bad and you never realized it until a certain moment? yeah I call that my realization of crap moment. just a few weeks ago I was talking to Kit-Kat and Sweet Tart and we moved into the discussion of Twilight and I still remember when I first read it I loved it so much. I became obsessed and totally crazed about it. I read all four books in maybe a week and then a while later when all of us were talking about it I got my realization of crap moment and just sort of blanked. of course when Kit-Kat and Sweet Tart said "It could be a really good book if an actual good writer wrote the story line" I agreed like I always would but inside I was like "HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP" because let me tell you, the feeling was exactly like this quote from 27 dresses "its like I just found out my favorite book was written by a cheeseburger" because what Twilight ended up being for me in the end was, in fact, a cheeseburger. and I don't like to eat cow.
At one point, we all find ourselves having very set views on certain subjects.So for us, we're going to write them here. Here is where we will release our thoughts and opinions on to ya'll and all the world.
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart
Just Plain Crap
you ever get the Idea that all the stuff you read as kid and thought was the most amazing stuff ever turned out to be pretty bad and you never realized it until a certain moment? yeah I call that my realization of crap moment. just a few weeks ago I was talking to Kit-Kat and Sweet Tart and we moved into the discussion of Twilight and I still remember when I first read it I loved it so much. I became obsessed and totally crazed about it. I read all four books in maybe a week and then a while later when all of us were talking about it I got my realization of crap moment and just sort of blanked. of course when Kit-Kat and Sweet Tart said "It could be a really good book if an actual good writer wrote the story line" I agreed like I always would but inside I was like "HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP" because let me tell you, the feeling was exactly like this quote from 27 dresses "its like I just found out my favorite book was written by a cheeseburger" because what Twilight ended up being for me in the end was, in fact, a cheeseburger. and I don't like to eat cow.
At one point, we all find ourselves having very set views on certain subjects.So for us, we're going to write them here. Here is where we will release our thoughts and opinions on to ya'll and all the world.
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart