Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Flow Yo
Sweet Tart
Monday, April 26, 2010
You know those people, who when you tell them good news, don’t seem that excited for you? And they joke around with you and say things like, “I hate you!”, but you sort of know they’re only half-joking? Frenemies. You can’t live with ‘em, it’d be a lot easier to live without ‘em. They seem to be nice and and fun to be around, until they strike. It could be a not-so-well concealed backhanded comment, or a subtle insult. Frenemies slowly break down the walls of your self-esteem.
Don’t let them get away with what they’re trying to do. If they insult you, call them on it. However, don’t let things turn confrontational. Just say, “Jeesh that was sort of mean.” Don’t egg them on by becoming vulnerable either. Or just stay nice. No matter the rude things they may say or do, stay positive and keep smiling as if they haven’t done anything mean. They’ll soon come to see they’re wasting their time, or they’ll get bored, or (on the off-chance) they’ll actually begin to respect you. I don’t really know why I’m writing this. I guess I’ve just seen so many people deal with frenemies in the totally wrong way. Don’t become rude straight back, and don’t let them get away with what they’re doing. Just a little word to the wise.
Sweet Tart
Apologies, yet no regrets

It may have come across as though I dislike Hugh Laurie. In fact, this is not true. I simply enjoy bugging Bonbon. He is very smexy, and a wonderful actor. I have only recently begun to watch the show House, but his character already strikes me as very dynamic and deep. Still...
why Hugh Laurie is the best
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Oh how I love the interwebz
Project Runway

China tea sets with the Simpsons

Digging through old stuff I found my old China Tea set, given to me as a child by a beloved aunt. its small, but very beautiful. i'm cleaning it while I watch the Simpsons, and it just so happens Homer is drinking tea, therefore I must be psychic. I love the taste of chai tea, its so flavorful and sweet. to all those out there, you must try chamomile mango herb tea!
Shut Chyo Mouth

Mouth Breathers. Oh, how I can't standeth thee. Why can you not just breath through your nose? The rest of us do it. Okay, I understand if you're three years old and have a nasty head cold. But as an adult (or anyone over the age of five) people should be able to just take some cold medicine and get over it. And if you breath with your mouth regularly and you don't have a cold, my words are lost on you.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Random thoughts on subjects such as youth work, worship, God, the Church of England, films, paintings and occasional peeks at Latin, Medieval history, Merovingians and bishops along with a healthy smattering of children's television, books, cooking and other oddities!
I loved it too much to be able to ignore it.
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart
Ya'll suck
I really want to read some Jane Austen right now. I have a craving for Pride and Prejudice ever since yesterday when Bonbon and I were texting about it. Oh, how I love me some Mr. Darcy. That man is delicioso. I digress.
You know why I'm so bored? (Besides the fact that my friends have ditched me) It's because I need more hobbies. Does that make me sound even more loser-ish? Probably. Do I care? Not anymore. So ya'll better comment on this entry (I'm looking at you, Bonbon and Kit Kat) and tell me what hobby I should pick up. Get to it!
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart
Crazy Thoughts
Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?
At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?
How does a Real Estate company sell its office without causing confusion?
Why do people think that swaying their arm back and forth would change the direction of a bowling ball?
If girls with large breasts work at Hooters, then do girls with one leg work at IHOP?
Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like it?
What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?
If a transvestite goes missing, would you put their face on a carton of Half and Half?
Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?
Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?
Food for thought :)
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart
Death by Boredom
I am very alone. Bonbon is in New York (totes jealous on that one) and Kit Kat is in Atlanta, as ya'll may know. So I decided to try some of things to do when you're bored. I threw marshmallows at the wall (# 54) before eating all three left in my hand. And I held an icecube as long as possible (#55). Ladies and gentlemen, I held onto that icecube like a dog on a chew toy. One minute and 56 seconds! And then it melted completely. And my fingers were numb. So I decided to take a break. Til next time--
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart
Friday, April 23, 2010
So Different...
But that's not why I am writing this. I am writing this because I realized something awhile ago that I would like to share. My cousin (not the one who's getting married. A different one) and I totally different. In looks and in personality. She is Blonde, extremely short, blue eyed, and very, very, pale. I'm a brunette, medium height, hazel eyed and not pale, but not tan. She LOVES Anime, Japanese anything and everything, and is a complete geek. And she knows it and loves that about herself. That's something I admire I guess. I'm not into Anime. I love shopping, being with my friends, I take Spanish but am fascinated with the french language and culture, I love writing and I'm not a geek, but not popular either. I have quarks like everyone does and I embrace them.
My cousin and my brother are the same in every way except in looks. they should be brother and sister. Really, they should be. I also realized that I'm nothing like my mom's side of the family. They are the math and science smarties, while I am the English, writing, and reading smartie.
It just amazes me how different relatives can be. I am nothing like my bother or anyone on my moms side for that matter. They are extrememly close minded while I am pretty much excepting to anything (Note the pretty much).
While driving home from a party with the family, my brother and cousin were singing to a japaniese song loudly and talking about anime and all of this other stuff I have never heard of...
Well the point is, you can't pick your family, so thank God for your friends.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
no sleep
Concert Reflection

Earth Ships

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
When Before Parties Meets Tards
Well some of the sophomores decided to have one of these before parties and had a lot of alcohol (as I call it- ickohol because it smells really icky). They were drinking straight vodka and had many beers and what not. Honestly! How stupid can you be to drink before a dance and think that you won't get caught? Most of the girls apparently couldn't even walk straight. How can some one not notice that?
Anyway, not even 10 minutes into the dance, some one threw up on the dance floor. In the next 20 minutes, some one fainted and another person had to go to the hospital and get their stomach pumped from alcohol poisoning.
Please excuse me when I say this, but, those girls are retarded! They must have some type of problem or are extreme attention whores (<--Please excuse me again for that one). All of these girls were on their school's JV lacrosse team so they had to have at least a B- average. Now those girls are
a) kicked off the team
b) are suspended until the end of the week
and some girls could possibly be
c) expelled.
I would like to give these girls around of applause for giving me my entertainment for the week.
You know what’s nice? Sitting in front of a computer with nothing to do, listening to the Wicked soundtrack.
You know what’s nice? Popping in a fresh piece of fruit gum, letting the sweet flavor explode in your mouth for those first few moments.
You know what’s nice? Wearing denim shorts, sitting in the back of a pickup truck, rolling through the fields of Virginia.
You know what’s nice? Devouring a giant sticky lollipop, strolling the splintered Ocean City boardwalk.
You know what’s nice? Coming home after a long vacation and laying back onto the bed you haven’t touched in a week or so.
You know what’s nice? Painting your toes bright pink the day you can see spring just over the peak of seasons.
You know what’s nice? Sitting on a heated tennis court in the middle of summer, right after jumping out of a pool, your hair leaking chlorine all over the hot green asphalt.
You know what’s nice? Jotting down the things you love for others to read and relate to.
<3 and other good things,
Sweet Tart
474 Things to Do When You're Bored
April 19th 2010 5:30 pm
So sweet tart and I found this list one day of 474 things to do when you're bored. The same day we watched the show about those friends who go around the country completing tasks they want to do before they die. What's that show again?? OH! The Buried Life. Right.
Well anyway, that got me thinking. What If we did the same kind of thing, except with things to do when you're bored?? So now my friends, I'm trying to finish this list. Of course I'll be needing help. It's a very long list.
Wish me luck on this crazy journey I'll be taking.
Your's truely,
April 19th 2010 6:33 pm
Silly me. I should've looked at the 474 things to do before I told you guys I was going to do it. It will no longer be 474 things but a much shorter list of things that are actually possible! There is no way I can give my dog braces or name my child Estel because
a) Giving a dog braces isnt possible and
b) I am not old enough to have chlidren and I'm not going to have children.
SO! This will be a list of things that are possible in some way shape or form...
So far we have completed one thing on the list. Sweet Tart and I have in fact, washed my tree. Each time one of us has completed something, we will put it up here and cross it out (and if possible add a picture). Good idea right?
Well lets hope.
Your's truly,
Just Plain Crap
you ever get the Idea that all the stuff you read as kid and thought was the most amazing stuff ever turned out to be pretty bad and you never realized it until a certain moment? yeah I call that my realization of crap moment. just a few weeks ago I was talking to Kit-Kat and Sweet Tart and we moved into the discussion of Twilight and I still remember when I first read it I loved it so much. I became obsessed and totally crazed about it. I read all four books in maybe a week and then a while later when all of us were talking about it I got my realization of crap moment and just sort of blanked. of course when Kit-Kat and Sweet Tart said "It could be a really good book if an actual good writer wrote the story line" I agreed like I always would but inside I was like "HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP" because let me tell you, the feeling was exactly like this quote from 27 dresses "its like I just found out my favorite book was written by a cheeseburger" because what Twilight ended up being for me in the end was, in fact, a cheeseburger. and I don't like to eat cow.
The Chinchilla Louise
This is not my chinchilla Louise but it's funny this one looks just like her except for her little white spot. Louise is the best Chinchilla in the universe to me and she is sooooooo soft I love her! I hope she lives with me forever becasue they live to be very old!
XOXO Bonbon
XOXOXOXOXO and some <3, Bonbon